Summarize your podcasts

Break free of your backlog of podcasts and use Audio Brevity to get quick summaries and key takeaways. With Auto Summarize you're always up to date.

Screenshot of the Audio Brevity application.


  • 10 hours of transcriptions per month
  • Emailed Summaries
Level up your Exploration

Basic Summaries

/ month
  • 200 hours of podcasts summarized
  • Automatically summarize new episodes in Subscribed podcasts
  • (coming soon) Email digests
Level up your Exploration

Basic Summaries

/ year
  • 200 hours of podcasts summarized
  • Automatically summarize new episodes in Subscribed podcasts
  • (coming soon) Email digests
Level up your Exploration
What is Audio Brevity?

Audio Brevity solves that "I have too many podcasts" feeling. With key takeaways and summaries of podcasts you are able to know what you need to listen to and which to skip this time. It also solves that problem when someone recommends a podcast to you. Save the hour and just summarize a few episodes and see if it's your next favorite or just one you now have context to casually chat back to them about.

How do I get started with Audio Brevity?

Getting started is easy! Just sign up for a free account, add your favorite podcasts to your library, and start summarizing. You can summarize up to 10 hours of content per month for free.

What is "Auto Summarize"

If you are on the Basic plan you can set your podcasts to automagically summarize and email you when a new episode drops. This is super handy for us busy folks who have 20 podcasts dropping and you want to see what to listen to on your ride home.

How do you calculate the 10 hours?

Okay, you got me - technically it's going to net out at over ten hours. It's actually based on the tokens. Based on a bunch of samples the tokens-per-hour was determined and that is what is used to track usage. It should ultimately net-out at more than 10 hours.

How does the free plan work?

Free users of Audio Brevity can summarize up to 10 hours of podcast content each month. This is a great way to try out Audio Brevity and see how it fits into your podcast listening routine.

How are the summaries generated?

The summaries in Audio Brevity are created using a large language model (LLM) that processes transcriptions of the podcast. This AI-powered process allows the tool to condense hours of conversation into concise summaries with key takeaways.

What features are coming soon?

I am excited about several upcoming features, including the ability to ask questions about podcasts and get answers from across episodes or even different podcasts. Another feature I am working on is study guides and starter questions for episodes, making Audio Brevity a great tool for podcast listeners and learners alike. Check out the roadmap or suggest features: here.

Why are sponsors included in the summaries?

Audio Brevity includes sponsor information in the summaries because the tool is designed to benefit both listeners and podcasters. Including sponsors ensures that podcasters and their sponsors still receive value from their content, and it’s helpful for listeners who may want to find sponsor information but can’t recall it from the episode.

I have questions.

Let me know. Use the contact page and drop me a line.