#283 Andrew Carnegie
Dec 26, 2022 - 52m 02s

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What I learned from rereading The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie by Andrew Carnegie. 


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(1:01) 3 part series on Andrew Carnegie and Henry Clay Frick:

Meet You In Hell: Andrew Carnegie Henry Clay Frick, and the Bitter Partnership That Transformed America by Les Standiford. (Founders #73) 

The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie by Andrew Carnegie (Founders #74) 

Henry Clay Frick: The Life of the Perfect Capitalist by Quentin Skrabec Jr. (Founders #75) 

(2:00) What these guys all had in common is they were hell bent on knowing their business down to the last cent. They were obsessed with having the lowest cost structure in their industry.

(2:00) Highlights from Meet You in Hell: Andrew Carnegie, Henry Clay Frick, and the Bitter Partnership That Changed America:

—Cut the prices, scoop the market, watch the costs, and the profits will take care of themselves.

—Frick knows his business down to the ground.

—Frick’s rise from humble beginnings was obviously intriguing to him. It signaled to Carnegie that Frick was another of the fellow “fittest,” and those were the individuals with whom Carnegie sought to align himself.

—Carnegie would repeat the mantra time and again: profits and prices were cyclical, subject to any number of transient forces of the marketplace. Costs, however, could be strictly controlled, and in Carnegie’s view, any savings achieved in the costs of goods were permanent.

—On this issue the two men were of one mind. Frick had made his way in coke by the same reckoning that Carnegie had in rail and steel: if you knew your costs down to the penny, you were always on firm ground.

(6:00) Benjamin Franklin: An American Life by Walter Isaacson. (Founders #115)

(7:00) A sunny disposition is worth more than a fortune. Young people should know that it can be cultivated; that the mind like the body can be moved from the shade into sunshine.

(7:00) The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life by Alice Schroeder. (Founders #100)

(8:00) The most important judge of your life story is yourself.

(9:00) You can always understand the son by the story of his father. The story of the father is embedded in the son. —Francis Ford Coppola: A Filmmaker's Life by Michael Schumacher. (Founders #242)

(10:00) Invest in technology, the savings compound, it gives you an advantage over slower moving competitors, and can be the difference between a profit and a loss.

(17:00) He is working from sunrise to sunset for $1.20 a week and he is ecstatic about being able to help his family avoid poverty. 

(18:00) Andrew Carnegie had manic levels of optimism.

(20:00) Do not delay. Do it now. It is a great mistake not to seize the opportunity. Having got myself in, I proposed to stay there if I could.

(21:00) I felt that my foot was upon the ladder and that I was about to climb.

(21:00) Lesson from Andrew Carnegie’s early life: Focus on whatever job is in front of you at this very moment and do the best you can. You can never know what opportunities that will unlock in the future.

(24:00) On the miracle of reading and having free access to a 400 volume personal library: In this way the windows were opened in the walls of my dungeon through which the light of knowledge streamed in. Every day's toil and even the long hours of night service were lightened by the book which I carried about with me and read in the intervals that could be snatched from duty. And the future was made bright by the thought that when Saturday came a new volume could be obtained.

(26:00) To Colonel James Anderson, Founder of Free Libraries in Western Pennsylvania:

He opened his Library to working boys and upon Saturday afternoons acted as librarian, thus dedicating not only his books but himself to the noble work. This monument is erected in grateful remembrance by Andrew Carnegie, one of the "working boys" to whom were thus opened the precious treasures of knowledge and imagination through which youth may ascend.

(28:00) Running Down A Dream: How to Succeed and Thrive in a Career You Love by Bill Gurley

(36:00) Dark Genius of Wall Street: The Misunderstood Life of Jay Gould, King of the Robber Barons by Edward J. Renehan Jr. (Founders #258)

(43:00) This policy is a true secret of success: Uphill work it will be.

(46:00) Put all your eggs in one basket and watch that basket.

(46:00) The most expensive way to pay for anything is with time.

(48:00) The men who have succeeded are men who have chosen one line and stuck to it. It is surprising how few men appreciate the enormous dividends derivable from investment in their own business.

(48:00) My advice to young men would be not only to concentrate their whole time and attention on the one business in life in which they engage, but to put every dollar of their capital into it.

(51:00) The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance by Ron Chernow. (Founders #139)

(52:00) Last Train to Paradise: Henry Flagler and the Spectacular Rise and Fall of the Railroad that Crossed an Ocean by Les Standiford. (Founders #247)


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The Rise of Andrew Carnegie

The podcast focuses on Andrew Carnegie’s life as he recounts his journey from a poor Scottish boy to a successful steelmaster in America. It begins by delving into the early hardships faced by Carnegie's family due to technological changes affecting his father's linen business. This experience instilled in Carnegie a strong resolve to escape poverty and succeed. Highlighting the importance of understanding business down to the last cent, Carnegie's partnership with Henry Clay Frick is discussed as a pivotal moment in his success, where they practiced the mantra: 'cut the prices, scoop the market, watch the costs, and the profits will take care of themselves.' Carnegie's obsession with low cost structure and adaptability is noted as key to his entrepreneurial philosophy.

Learning and Self-Improvement

A significant theme in Carnegie’s life is his commitment to learning and self-improvement. Despite his limited formal education, Carnegie emphasizes the value of hard work and seizing every opportunity. He recounts how he learned bookkeeping, honed his skills as a telegraph operator, and the transformative impact of free access to a library provided by Colonel James Anderson, which opened up a world of knowledge. This access fueled his ambition and laid the groundwork for his future success, demonstrating the profound influence of education and mentorship in Carnegie's life.

Philanthropy and the Gospel of Wealth

After amassing great wealth, Carnegie devoted his later years to philanthropy, establishing a ‘gospel of wealth’ that advocated for the responsible use of wealth to benefit society. He famously funded the establishment of public libraries, inspired by his own experiences with literacy and learning. Carnegie believed that access to knowledge was paramount for personal growth and societal improvement, leading him to dedicate much of his fortune to initiatives that democratized knowledge and fostered self-improvement for the less fortunate.

Lessons on Business and Life

Throughout the podcast, Carnegie’s core business philosophies are highlighted, emphasizing the significance of focus and determination. He asserts the importance of vertical integration in control of quality and costs, and famously advises to 'put all your eggs in one basket and watch that basket.' Additionally, he illustrates the idea that investing in technology gives a competitive edge. Carnegie’s optimism, resilience in the face of adversity, and commitment to lifelong learning are threads woven throughout his narrative, offering timeless lessons for current and future entrepreneurs.

  • - Andrew Carnegie's early hardships instilled a strong resolve to escape poverty and succeed, shaped by understanding business intricacies.
  • - Carnegie’s partnership with Henry Clay Frick was pivotal and exemplified the importance of having a low-cost structure in business.
  • - The transformative power of education and mentorship played a critical role in Carnegie's self-improvement and eventual success.
  • - Carnegie’s philanthropy was driven by a belief that wealth should be used for societal good, particularly through accessible education.
  • - Key principles for success include focus, resilience, the importance of investing in technology, and maintaining optimism.
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